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Together, we push boundaries: For Each Other 2024/25 is live!
10-12-2024 | 08:46 For 15 consecutive years, the UM community has come together to address pressing social issues close to our hearts. Each year, the campaign fosters a sense of togetherness— something the world needs now more than ever in these times of growing division. Together, we fight poverty, drive innovation, advocate for better health, and help scientific research and education make meaningful advancements. In recent years, the University Fund Limburg has seen an increasing interest from our community, including alumni, to 'give back' to the university. Through the Annual Fund Campaign, it has become a tradition to join forces at the end of each year and support important societal projects. After all, what better time to contribute to the future than around the holidays and with the Christmas spirit in mind?This year, we ask the UM community for a financial contribution to four unique projects:Scholarships for young talentA new method for diagnosing Alzheimer'sSchooling project for better health care in LiberiaInnovative research on a digital twin of the heart Together, we push boundaries. We are there for each other!Top fundraiser
1 2.800 €
Joske Van de Weg
'The Girls' marathon en loterij bij Crossfit Zwolle -
2 2.355 €
Rachel ter Bekke
HeArt-Ma'at ART Exposure -
3 2.240 €
Rob Riksen
Queen of Hearts Rapid Relay team -
2.095 €
Guido Vanderbroeck
Alumni Circle Munich -
5 1.958 €
Roger Wijsen
EigenWijs Fietsen voor hersenen en HersenStrijd
Top Teams
1 4.370 €
HeArt-Ma'at goes to ESC HeART Gallery
Unieke kunstworkshop voor ESC members -
2 2.815 €
HeArt Ma'at Racing Crew
Maastricht Mooiste - HeArt Ma'at Racing Crew -
3 1.030 €
Fit Queens
Omdat iedere vrouw telt! -
4 759 €
HeArt Ma'at Racing Crew
Ren met je hart, geef voor het goede doel -
5 241 €
HeArt Ma'at Racing Crew 2025
HeArt Ma'at goes Maastricht Mooiste 2025