A good health for everyone!

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Did you know that people with lower incomes or education levels die on average six years earlier than others? And that the corona crisis is only widening the disparities in health between rich and poor? The time for action has come!

This solution really makes a difference
We still talk too much about instead of with people from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. This is why Professor Gera Nagelhout, Dr Latifa Abidi and their colleagues at the Department of Health Promotion want to set up a permanent advisory group composed of people who have to make ends meet on little money. Drawing on their own personal experience, these people will advise on research carried out at the department. 

Ultimately, this will enable Gera and her team to develop targeted health interventions to improve the wellbeing of this vulnerable segment of the population. The advisory group will help to make the research more inclusive and more widely applicable. At the same time, it will allow the group members to feel heard and to share their experiences. That’s right: a research advisory group can really make a difference!

Will you contribute?
Unfortunately, the Department of Health Promotion currently lacks the funding to install this important advisory group. Gera and Latifa are asking for your support. This is your chance to make a contribution to rigorous, inclusive research and good health for all!

“Let's bring science closer to society. It will only make our research better!” —Professor Gera Nagelhout (Maastricht University and IVO Research Institute) and Dr Latifa Abidi (Maastricht University)

UM Crowd is part of University Fund Limburg/SWOL. This Fund is a recognized 'algemeen nut beogende instelling' (ANBI). This hallmark means that your donation is, in principle, tax deductable. You will receive an automatically generated e-mail with a proof of payment after your donation. Click here for more information about ANBI.

Alle ansehen
27-03-2021 | 08:51 Met alle kennis die je al hebt, is dit kennis die je altijd nog nodig zult hebben. Succes verder!
25-03-2021 | 13:50
22-03-2021 | 16:57 Good luck with this initiative!
22-03-2021 | 09:22
21-03-2021 | 22:52
Alle ansehen

Adviesgroep gaat van start!

23-10-2021 | 19:46 In februari en maart 2021 hebben we een crowdfundingscampagne gevoerd om een adviesgroep op te starten met mensen die van weinig geld moeten rondkomen. Dankzij alle donateurs kunnen we deze adviesgroep nu starten! De adviesgroep gaat ons helpen om het onderzoek van de vakgroep Gezondheidsbevordering van de Universiteit Maastricht beter te maken. Na media-aandacht over onze crowdfunding (op de radio en in de krant) kregen we al drie spontane aanmeldingen voor de adviesgroep. Deze eerste adviesgroepleden hebben weer andere leden ingebracht en ook een lokale welzijnsorganisatie helpt mee met de werving. Inmiddels hebben we ook goedkeuring van de ethische commissie ontvangen, waardoor we op zaterdagmiddag 6 november de eerste bijeenkomst van de adviesgroep kunnen houden. Wil je op de hoogte blijven van onze adviesgroep en ons onderzoek? Ga dan naar onze website en meld je aan voor emailupdates.
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