Support an art therapy for cardiac patients

Target reached
from €25,000 (222%)

HeArt Ma’at: Art for Heart

Did you know that each year in the Netherlands 15.000 people have a cardiac arrest? And that an internal cardiac defibrillator (ICD) can prevent a sudden cardiac arrest by administering a shock? Unfortunately, 33% of the patients after an ICD-shock camp with serious psychological complaints including anxiety and stress, which again increases the chance of developing serious heart rhythm disorders. Art therapy has proven beneficial effect on the psychological wellbeing and could perhaps be the best weapon against anxiety and stress. Research is needed more now than ever! Will you help us restore the balance between the heart and the brain?

Support the HeArt Ma’at project

This unique and innovative research takes place at the Maastricht Universitair Medisch Centrum + (MUMC+) and the University of Maastricht. HeArt Ma’at offers personalized art therapy to patients who have had one or more ICD-shocks due to cardiac arrest. Friends, family and medical professionals will be included in the therapy.

Stand for patient centered care

Sudden cardiac death often comes like a thief in the night. An ICD shock is lifesaving, but at what cost? A negative spiral lurks: fears of new shocks increase adrenaline levels, which in turn can trigger life-threatening arrhythmias. Low-threshold artistic stimuli provide a unique opportunity to break this spiral. Together, cardiologist, psychologist and the artist provide a customized humane approach.

To realize this extraordinary research, 25,000 euros are needed. This is why we are counting on your support. Contribute today and let's embrace these vulnerable patients together. Click on the donate now button. - Yeşim Kaya, researcher

About the project ambassador

Rachel ter Bekke (MD, PhD) is a clinical-experimental cardiologist-electrophysiologist with a subspeciality in cardiogenetics. She is fascinated by arrhythmias and strives for hollistic patient care. 

Claudia Volders is a artist who wants her paintings and installations to make the viewer feel that her/his presence is important to complete the work. "Art belongs among people" she says. In her projects done over the years, she learned that art has a healing and enlightening effect. Art touches the heart and soul.

Yeşim Kaya (MD) is a researcher at CARIM with a focus on multi-modal imaging integration for the treatment of ventricular arrhythmias. Yeşim aims for a better recognition and treatment of the mental load patients with ventricular arrhythmias often carry. 

Annual Fund Campaign: For Each Other 23/24
Maastricht University is committed to equality and scientific and sustainable innovation. In order to reach the goals and dreams of your alma mater, we need your help! Together with the UM community, we can make the four unique projects a success. We are there #foreachother

UM Crowd is part of the University Fund Limburg/SWOL. This fund is a recognised 'algemeen nut beogende instelling' (ANBI). This means that your donation is fully or partially tax deductible. You will receive an automatic email with a receipt after your donation. Click here for more information about ANBI.

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Launch first HeArt Ma'at research project & special exhibition HeArt Ma'at attracts more than 130 participants

17-02-2025 | 11:28 We look back on a very successful HeArt Ma'at weekend!Last Friday and Saturday, after a long preparation, we conducted our very first surveys within the HeArt Ma'at project. During group interviews, ICD patients shared their experiences and insights with our research team. We will use this valuable input to develop a special questionnaire specifically for ICD patients and to set up an appropriate art therapy project.On Friday evening, the special HeArt Ma'at exhibition ‘How to Mend a Broken Heart’ took place at Marres, House for Contemporary Culture. Visitors discovered more about their own heart health, arrhythmias, treatments and aftercare - and how art can help. Heartbeats were measured and listened to, questions asked and answered, and wonderful stories shared. In total, we welcomed more than 130 participants!We are extremely grateful for the cooperation with Marres and thank all visitors for their enthusiasm and curiosity!#heart #heartrhythm #howtomendabrokenheart #arttherapy #art #cardiology #love #sharing #healing
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