Support equal educational opportunities for young people

A university education is by no means a given for everyone, and current crises are increasing inequality of opportunity. Getting a degree not only vastly improves someone’s job opportunities, but can also affect their health and housing situation. When it comes to studying, certain groups of young people face dispropportionate social and financial barriers. The Limburg region is no exception. The new Equity and Inclusion Programme offers scholarships for young people from the region. After all, education should be accessible for everyone. In addition, part of the amount raised through the Annual Fund Campaign 2022 will be used to support equality projects within Maastricht University.
The part of this year's donations intended for the scholarships, will benefit the newly established Mia Keulaerds Scholarship Programme, named after Mia Keulaerds: a dedicated teacher from Heerlen who devoted her life passionately to education. The goal of the program is to provide a total of 15 scholarships to young people from the Parkstad region, for whom studying is not a given.
Will you help our ambitious youth to seize the opportunities they deserve?
About the project ambassador
Currently, 17 enthusiastic students are studying at UM with scholarships empowered by our Fund. One of them is the Belgium first generation student Paula Sultanof. Last September, she started the bachelor's program European Law School with the Jo Ritzen Scholarship.
'I'm from Belgium but I have Azerbaijani ancestry. I am very fond of literature and political history, which played a role in my choice to study in Maastricht: the city of the Treaty of the European Union. The scholarship has given me the opportunity to study at one of my dream universities and faculties. People are so nice and full of knowledge. The scholarship gives me the opportunity to pursue my dream of working in international law, although I am also discovering that I really love the field of private law. I am excited to see what the future will bring!' - Paula Sultanof
Annual Fund Campaign: For Each Other 2022
Maastricht University is committed to equality and scientific and sustainable innovation. In order to reach the goals and dreams of your alma mater, we need your help! Together with the UM community, we can make the four unique projects a success. We are there #foreachother.
UM Crowd is part of the University Fund Limburg/SWOL. This fund is a recognised 'algemeen nut beogende instelling' (ANBI). This means that your donation is fully or partially tax deductible. You will receive an automatic email with a receipt after your donation. Click here for more information about ANBI.