From crowdfunding campaign to actual app

Remember researcher Esther van Barneveld? She started a successful crowdfunding campaign last year on our platform UM Crowd in order to raise money for a special app. This app provides more insight into endometriosis symptomatology, which will lead to better and personalised treatment. Furthermore, she wanted to make more people aware of this disease. We are curious: what is Esther up to?
Esther: "By now, the app has been developed and the corresponding validation process is almost finished – we need the results of only 4 more persons. In the next step, the app will be used in clinical trials in order to make a reliable assessment of treatment effect. Eventually the app will be implemented in the hospital."
"The first results are absolutely positive and really give us more insights in endometriosis symptomatology and how we should treat it. Moreover, it is great to see that the campaign has raised societal awareness of endometriosis. Mission completed!"