Give to... disadvantaged students

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Unfortunately, not everyone who wants to is able to go to university, and the corona crisis has only deepened existing  inequalities. Research shows that aspiring first-generation students - young people who would be the first in their family to go to university - are often hindered by various social and financial obstacles. The University Fund Limburg/SWOL wants to offer grants to help such students study in Maastricht. Will you help us make dreams come true?

About project owner Jo Ritzen
All donations contribute to the Jo Ritzen scholarship, which is intended for talented first generation students who wish to study at Maastricht University. ''In this way, we can make sure that everyone gets an equal chance to study,'' says initiator and Professor Jo Ritzen (r. in picture). Aylin Güney (l. in picture) received this year's scholarship. She is very happy with it: ''This scholarship allows me to focus on my goals and to forge my path!''

For Each Other 2020
Over the past 12 months, Maastricht University again devoted itself to the important tasks of education and research, with the ultimate aim of building a better society. As ever, the University Fund Limburg/SWOL supports the university in this effort. But your support is essential, too. Together, we will make this project a success! Are you there For Each Other?

You make your donation to the University Fund Limburg/SWOL, the charitable foundation of Maastricht University. This fund is a registered public benefit organisation (ANBI), which means your donation is tax deductible. For more information, please visit the website of University Fund Limburg/SWOL:

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Committed to realise an extra scholarship!

18-01-2021 | 17:03 The Annual Fund Campaign was launched in December. One of the ‘adopted projects’ is the scholarship programme for so called ‘first generation students’. Our goal was to fund at least one bachelor programme. The campaign is now halfway through. We are delighted to have raised already the target amount for one scholarship. Thanks for all support! Based on this great engagement and motivation to contribute, we have raised our target amount. Together with our partners we try to fund a second scholarship for 2021. As a result, we could provide two first generations students the opportunity to study in Maastricht. Let’s go!  
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