Improve recovery from severe brain injury!

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von ingesamt 10.000 € (113%)

The Maastricht UMC+ intensive care unit is home to many patients with severe brain injury, for example, due to an accident on the street that results in a bruised brain leading to a coma. Despite the intensive treatment, more than 60% of the patients leave the hospital with major disabilities. And for more than 25 years, there has been no progress in the treatment of severe acute brain injury.

Researcher Jeanette Tas explains
Jeanette: “As a clinical technologist, I think it is important to improve the recovery of patients with brain injury. Together with the doctors and intensive care nurses—including neurologist-intensivist Marcel Aries—I work on this day and night. Now there is a new treatment, with which we can better adjust the blood flow to the bruised brain. As a result, more brain cells are expected to recover during the initial period. And the more cells that heal, the less likely it is that the patient will become disabled. Every brain cell counts!”

“Brain damage can happen to anyone”
“We are busy researching the new treatment. The research itself is almost finished. But for the analysis of the results, at least 10,000 euros of additional funding is needed. That is why we are asking for your support. Only with your help can we make a difference! And perhaps this research will also be important for you or your loved ones in the future. Brain injury can happen to anyone. Every year, around 130,000 Dutch people experience it. And this number is growing, so research is badly needed now.” 

Support the research of Jeanette and Marcel
In my spare time, I run marathons and work for the HersenStrijd Fonds [Brain Fight Fund] of Marcel Aries and in the intensive care unit. This gave me the idea to set a top time for HersenStrijd and this research in the Meerssen half marathon on Sunday, 6 October 2019. During this event, I will walk with equipment that we use to monitor patients with brain injury. What is special about this is that we suspect similarities between my effort in the half marathon and the effort of our patients in the hospital. And you, too, can make an effort. Walk with us or donate to our research!

Every brain cell counts—every donation counts.

UM Crowd is part of University Fund Limburg/SWOL. This Fund is a recognized 'algemeen nut beogende instelling' (ANBI). This hallmark means that your donation is, in principle, tax deductable. You will receive an automatically generated e-mail with a proof of payment after your donation. Click here for more information about ANBI.



25 € Spenden Escape room - Challenge your brain in a brand new escape room! This reward includes 1 entrance ticket and 1 drink. Nicht mehr verfügbar 100 € Spenden Luxury LAZER bicycle helmet - Project your head (and brain) when cycling with the luxury bicycle helmet LAZER Compact DLX MIPS. 1 Spender Nicht mehr verfügbar 250 € Spenden Company logo on T-shirt Kids Run (back) - NOTE: THIS REWARD IS SOLD OUT - Marcel's daughter will participate in the Kids Run in Meerssen on 6 October 2019. Make your company logo visible to the crowd with this reward. A great example of Corporate Social Responsibility! 400 € Spenden Company logo on T-shirt Kids Run (front) - NOTE: THIS REWARD IS SOLD OUT - Marcel's daughter will participate in the Kids Run in Meerssen on 6 October 2019. Make your company logo CLEARLY visible to the crowd with this reward. A great example of Corporate Social Responsibility! 500 € Spenden Company logo on marathon T-shirt (front) - NOTE: THIS REWARD IS SOLD OUT - Team member Jeanette Tas will participate in the half marathon of Meerssen on 6 October 2019. Make your company logo SUPER visible to the crowd with this reward. A great example of Corporate Social Responsibility! 1 Spender Nicht mehr verfügbar 500 € Spenden Company logo on marathon T-shirt (back) - NOTE: THIS REWARD IS SOLD OUT - Team member Jeanette Tas will participate in the half marathon of Meerssen on 6 October 2019. Make your company logo EXTRA visible to the crowd with this reward. A great example of Corporate Social Responsibility! Nicht mehr verfügbar
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Mini Symposium - HersenStrijd

14-11-2019 | 21:34 Beste donateur, Nogmaals dank voor uw donatie.   Op zaterdag 23 november organiseert HersenStrijd een informatief event om de crowdfunding campagne van Jeanette Tas (onderzoekster) af te ronden (   De vier sprekers zullen u kennis geven over gezwollen hersenen, extreme  sport prestaties, een unieke patiënt ervaring en de resultaten van de  meting in de hersenen verzameld tijdens het lopen van een halve  marathon. we kijken met name uit naar onze gastspreker gerard rietjens die ons gaat vertellen waarom de 2e zwempoging van  maarten vd weijden wel succesvol was en waarom de wielerploeg  jumbo-visma zo'n succesvol seizoen achter de rug heeft. Aan het einde van deze middag zal prof. dr. Iwan van der Horst bekend  maken of het bedrag van 10.000,- euro behaald is, dit zal tot het einde  spannend blijven! We hopen op een grote opkomst, dus we stellen het zeer op prijs als u dit bericht deelt via social media of via andere kanalen. Datum: zaterdag 23 november 2019 (14:00 - 16:00) Locatie: Silly days (markt 5, Meerssen) Kosten: 25,- pp (geheel voor crowdfunding campagne) Voor het volledige programma kunt u terecht op Aanmelden voor het event kan via het sturen van een email naar: Bij aanmelding krijgt u 2,50 euro korting.   Dank, namens HersenStrijd, Marcel Aries en Jeanette Tas 
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