Help make the MPP accessible to a future policymaker

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Support UNU-MERIT in their mission to make education more accessible and provide a future policymaker with the tools they need to succeed in their career. For the second consecutive year, they offer a non-EU student the opportunity to pursue a master's degree through the MPP Scholarship. 

Did you know the gap between EU and non-EU tuition fees is 13.591 euros? This creates a sometimes unattainable gap for bright, non-EU students who need a Master’s degree to grow in their career. Last year, UNU-MERIT started with the MPP Scholarship, specifically meant for a non-EU student who has not previously had the chance to study outside of their home country due to financial constraints and is not in a position to pay the non-EU tuition fee. The scholarship will allow them to pursue The Master of Science in Public Policy and Human Development

With help from donations acquired from crowdfunding, UNU-MERIT was able to grant the very first MPP Scholarship to Lammert Petter from Ecuador, who started his Master's last September. This year, their goal is to provide the future recipient not only coverage of their tuition, but also provide for costs regarding their visa, healthcare, and other things that come with living in Maastricht – so the student can focus fully on investing in the programme and their future.

Help us take the first step in providing this scholarship by bridging the tuition fee gap. 

Hear from last year’s recipient:

'My name is Lammert, I come from Ecuador, and I have a background in Economics and Finance. I have been dreaming for several years to have access to high quality education in a leading institution and to grow a network among specialized, passionate, hardworking researchers and scholars, just like what UNU-MERIT offers. However, there are considerable differences between education quality and students’ financial capacity between countries and economic areas, and my country is among those far away from the socio-economic context in The Netherlands. That is why I consider myself very fortunate for the opportunity I have been given by UNU-MERIT’s initiative to extend access to quality education to non-EU students.

Now that the program has started, I have learned that public institutions are not the only ones that can take action over a policy problem. There are several actors surrounding a problem or a need and, in this case, I consider the initiative taken by UNU-MERIT in offering the MPP Scholarship as a policy action towards wider access to education. There are many students with the will, passion, and capacity to become agents of positive change that need just one opportunity to exploit their potential. For me, the MPP Scholarship is that opportunity that passes on the enthusiasm to work towards making this world a better place.' - Lammert Petter, Master's student at Maastricht University


About the MPP
The Master of Science in Public Policy and Human Development (MPP) emphasises the connection between public policy and decision-making processes, or more specifically, the effectiveness and efficiency of governance. Students are equipped with a variety of skills, tools and knowledge which enables them to work as a policy designer or policy analyst. Students become capable of working within public and private institutions at local, national and international levels. The one-year master's programme is offered as a double degree in collaboration with UNU-MERIT.

About project owner UNU-MERIT
UNU-MERIT (United Nations University) is the UN’s institute for comprehensive innovation: a research and training institute that mobilises knowledge, education and policy to unlock the full potential of comprehensive innovation for sustainable development. 

UM Crowd is part of the University Fund Limburg/SWOL. This fund is a recognised 'algemeen nut beogende instelling' (ANBI). This means that your donation is fully or partially tax deductible. You will receive an automatic email with a receipt after your donation. Click here for more information about ANBI.

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We reached our target amount!

22-08-2023 | 16:32 We are pleased to announce that we reached €13,641.00, which means we exceeded our target amount! Thanks to your donations, for the second consecutive year UNU-MERIT can offer a non-EU student the opportunity to pursue a master's degree through the MPP Scholarship.Abigail Dailey (UNU-MERIT): ‘Our goal is for the MPP Scholarship to be an annual scholarship, supported in part by the UNU-MERIT alumni community. We are working hard to reach this goal, and we could not have made such progress without your support. Thank you!’ "My MPP year was spent learning, exploring, and engaging with the world's most pressing social issues and gaining invaluable skills for any future career. This opportunity continues to remain out of reach for far too many bright minds, that’s why I give to the MPP Scholarship." – quote by an alum donor
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