Support oration Roland Pierik for equal educational opportunities

Of course: going to university is exciting for everyone. A new city, unfamiliar fellow students. From the familiar high school to the imposing university. No more classes but lectures. No more teachers but professors.

For first-generation students, this step is even larger. You cannot fall back on the experience of parents or siblings. You have to learn to understand the formal and informal mores and make them your own. It is less natural for first-generation students to feel 'at home' at university. Being unfamiliar with a community where others seem to fit in so naturally makes you more likely to experience imposter syndrome. Research shows that first-generation students experience more social and financial barriers to successfully finish their study. The UM First Generation Students Scholarship supports these first-generation students in their transition to college.

Gift tip Oration December 1st 2023
"For me, the greatest gift is that you honor my inaugural lecture with your presence. For this reason, I would like to ask you not to bring another gift. But if you would still like to give something, I would like to ask for a contribution to the UM First Generation Students Scholarship fund." - Roland Pierik

Photo: Kirsten van Santen

About the researcher
Roland Pierik is Professor of Philosophy of Law at the Faculty of Law at Maastricht University. On Dec. 1, he will deliver his inaugural address, intitled: On the Necessity of Judicial Review for Democratic Governance.

UM Crowd is the University Fund Limburg’s crowdfunding platform. This fund is a recognised 'algemeen nut beogende instelling' (ANBI). This means that your donation is fully or partially tax deductible. You will receive an automatic email with a receipt after your donation. Click here for more information about ANBI.

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