Support the Nanne de Vries Professor's Fund

The Nanne de Vries Professor's Fund supports talented UM researchers at the start of their scientific careers. Since 2014, the fund has awarded over 77,000 euros to 34 researchers. To be able to keep supporting academic talent, additional funding is needed. Therefore, we ask your help!

Valuable support to our young talents
We ask for your financial contribution to the fund, so we can continue to support talented researchers at Maastricht University. Over the years, professors made one-time donations or contributed periodically. In doing so, they serve as role models. Your donation promotes excellence in the scientific work of our academics, and helps UM research take an important step forward.

'If we all contribute a bit, we can achieve great things for our young scientists' – Nanne de Vries

Nanne de Vries Professor's Fund 
Since last April, the Professor's Fund bears the name of emeritus professor Nanne de Vries, who founded the fund together with Piet Eichholtz. Recently promoted researchers, for whom lack of funding stands in the way of their research, can apply for funding. Mid-September, the next call for proposals will open. To continue our structural support to academic talent, we ask our colleagues for financial support.

The Committee: Monica Claes, Rob Bauer, Ralf Peeters, Wiebe Bijker, Marko Jelicic, Hans Savelberg

UM Crowd is part of the University Fund Limburg/SWOL. This fund is a recognised 'algemeen nut beogende instelling' (ANBI). This means that your donation is fully or partially tax deductible. You will receive an automatic email with a receipt after your donation. Click here for more information about ANBI.

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07-09-2024 | 15:07
05-09-2024 | 10:33 Good cause. Was supported like this once myself early in my career, and this helped boost my career. Small grants can make big differences.
04-09-2024 | 16:00 My main driver to make a donation is to support young academic talent!
28-08-2024 | 14:23
28-08-2024 | 14:23